How to setup Shopify backup rates

How to setup Shopify backup rates

Packrooster Shipping relies heavily on Shopify third-party carrier-calculated shipping, AKA carrier service to display shipping methods and pickup points configured in the app.

Unfortunately sometimes there might be a situation when something is wrong and shipping methods configured in Packrooster can not be displayed at the checkout. Carrier service might be out of service or the pickup point API of the carrier you are using takes too long to respond, causing a timeout when requesting for the pickup points.

If third party carrier shipping methods can not be displayed at the checkout, Shopify will instead only display shipping methods configured in Shopify Shipping & Delivery settings. But if there are no shipping methods to display, Shopify will display something that is called back up rates.

The price of a backup rate is determined by how the rate is set up in your Shipping & Delivery settings. You can configure the backup rate per shipping zone and there are three ways to do it.

Backup rates

If you use the default version, the rate is determined for you by Shopify. The rate takes into consideration your fulfillment and shipping location, item weight, total value of the order and your Shopify stores default currency. If the default version is very different from what you usually charge your customers from shipping, you can select either the order value or order weight based custom backup rate to determine the price of the backup rate.

Custom backup rates

When for one reason or another a third party app like Packrooster Shipping can not display prices, it is best to prepare beforehand and set up the best possible backup rates for your Shopify store!

Our friendly customer support is always willing to help you with questions regarding our app! You can find our contact information over here.

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