Packrooster Shipping Changelog
Version 4.4.3 (5.3.2025)
- UPS: Customs declaration statements can be set per shipping zone. Can ,be used for Free Trade Agreement. (feature)
- Possibility to create shipping labels for orders fulfilled at Shopify (feature)
- ShipHero integration (feature)
- Updating shipping address at Shopify if customer address is updated in Packrooster (ux)
- Better mechanism for detecting partially fulfilled fulfillments from Shopify (bugfix)
- mySchenker: Contact person name was not included onto shipping label (bugfix)
- eSchenker renamed to Schenker Connect (ux)
- Schenker renamed to myShenker (ux)
- UPS: Sending RETURN as shipment reason when using return shipping services (internal)
- Deutsche Post: Not limiting customs items amount to 5 anymore (internal)
- PostNord: Including issuer country code to company name when sending fulfillment and tracking data to Shopify (internal)
- Getting started banner: Using regular buttons instead of primary buttons (ux/ui)
- Sessions disabled (internal)
- Airmee: Could not be enabled by filling in the api credentials (bugfix)
- Shipit: Customs data required for shipments to Northern Ireland (bugfix)
- Tracking urls are always stored for later use (internal)
- File storage rewritten (internal)
- UPS: ship_to phone number converted to international format for SMS notifications to work (bugfix)
- Deprecated shop customizations removed (internal)
- Posti Nextshipping: Showing "Saturday deliveries" message when available (ux)
Version 4.3.0 (28.1.2025)
- Shipit: Supporting new additional service heatTransport (feature)
- Shipit: Better names for some carriers that originally had identical names (ux)
- Shipit: Return services for Posti, Matkahuolto, PostNord and UPS can be used like with other shipping providers without the need to set return label as an additional service (feature)
- CityMail integration (feature)
- nShift Bring bulk services: Return address can be set with nShift address quick ID (feature)
- GLS: Sending VOEC with Norwegian shipments (feature)
- Fetching all child elements (i.e. order.lineitems) with GraphQL queries, not just 10 pages (bugfix)
- Postnord: Parcel Locker shipping service shows only parcel locker pickup points. Service Point shipping service shows only service points (bugfix)
- Shipping service details are sent to Shopify as order metafield after order is being created or shipping service updated (feature)
- Posti Smartship: Distance to pickup location can be toggle visible at checkout (feature)
- Posti Smartship: Saturday delivery description had wrong translation at checkout (bugfix)
- DHL Freight Sweden integration (feature)
Version 4.2.0 (7.1.2025)
Pickup point distances from customer address can be toggled visible for PostNord, Bring and DHL Express (feature)
Shopify Location API not paginating results (bugfix)
Custom shipping codes can be used with "none|custom" shipping service (feature)
PostNord: Deprecating MyPack Collect service and introducing two new services Parcel Locker and Service Point (feature)
PostNord: Using locker and offices configurations when searching pickuplocations from packrooster database too (bugfix)
Subscribing to required fields only with product update and inventory item update hooks (internal)
Better logging of shopify api errors (internal)
Shop domain included into webhook url for debugging purposes (internal)
Support for label free returns (internal)
nShift: GLS Finland (feature)
nShift: Better customs declaration data with VOEC (bugfix)
nShift Bring: Shipping services and bulk sending (feature)
GLS Finland: AX country code converted to FI (bugfix)
Instabox: Label-free return service (feature)
DHL Express: Using DDP incoterm for UK shipments when needed (bugfix)
Additional shipping services not being saved for shipping method (bugfix)
Version 4.1.0 (4.12.2024)
Airmee integration (feature)
Instabox integration (feature)
GLS: Pickup points (feature)
GLS: Importer address included when customs declaration is required. Using order billing address (feature)
PostNord: Pickup locations can be filtered based on if its a locker or office (feature)
PostNord: Removed the possibility to set pickuptime intervals with start and end dates (ux)
DHL: Pickup datetime fix (bugfix)
Spanish Melilla needs customs declaration (bugfix)
Bring renamed to Bring / Posten (ux)
Posti: Saturday delivery description included into pickuplocation descriptions when applicable (feature)
Partially fulfilled fulfillment order automatically fulfilled the items left out of the shipment (bugfix)
DHL: Disabling paperlesstrade for Bermuda (internal)
Location contact person name populated with shop name (bugfix)
UPS: Tracking code was missing due to change in UPS api response (bugfix)
Webhook detects if incoming data is newer than stored in local database before accepting webhook data (bugfix)
User observer checks if shop is initialized and finalizes the install process it needed. This fixes crashed installs (internal)
UPS: Selling to Ahvenanmaa needs SoldTo country as FI and ShipTo AX (internal)
UPS: Re-authentication button visible at provider settings page (feature)
Using GraphQL shopify api (internal)
Shopify Api data structure not being used directly but is converted to app friendly format first. Allowing multiple data sources for orders and products (internal)
Changing item locations from shopify admin updates shipments in packrooster (feature)
New webhooks for listening to changes in fulfillment orders (feature)
GLS: Incoterms can be set for each shipping zone (feature)
Billing charge activation endpoint not called anymore, since it was deprecated and removed 2021 (internal)
Not showing shipping services twice (bugfix)
Longer timeout for packing all items with single click (bugfix)
Better mechanism for requesting new access scopes (internal)
UPS re-authentication fixed (bugfix)
Timezone "Europe/Kyiv" changed to "Europe/Kiev" due to php date library not recognizing Kyiv (internal, bugfix)
DHL: Scandinavian locales used when necessary to get äöå printed correctly (bugfix)
Shipping code encoding/decoding and storing rewritten to be able to store additional data into shipping code strings at shopify checkout (internal)
Shipping service information is stored into dedicated shipping service object (internal)
Swedish translations fixed from se locale to sv. This caused time formats to be in Northern Sami locale (bugfix)
Shipit: Parcel weight divided by parcels amount when sending multiparcel shipments (bugfix)
DHL: Removing LV prefix from latvian shipper postal codes (bugfix)
Deutsche Post: Business Mail Registered fixed to use REGISTERED as a service level instead of PRIORITY (bugfix)
UPS: Upgrading from version 1 to 2403 (internal)
UPS: Passing appartment information into ship_to address (bugfix)
UPS: DDP incoterm needed more information about payer of transportation and custom fees (bugfix)
Matkahuolto: Ulkomaan asiakaspalautus shipping service included feature)
Shipping api logs are kept for 60 days (internal)
Optimized fetching shippings for lineitem. This caused packing the whole order at once to be really slow (optimization)
Postnord: Truncating messageId field to 14 characters (bugfix)
UPS: Shipping to Puerto Rico fixed. Changing country from US to PR (bugfix)
Shipit: Shipping to Puerto Rico fixed. Changing country from US to PR (bugfix)
Order weight calculation fixed when checking shipping rates for checkout (bugfix)
Version 3.11.0 (16.5.2024)
PostNord: Shipping rate validation checks for unallowed
countries too (feature)
Support for commercial invoices of return shipments. Currently
only for DHL (feature)
DHL Express: paperless trade for return shipments (feature)
UPS: Customer address was being used for access points (bugfix)
Not checking if shipping product can be used for sending to target country at Shopify checkout. Validation is done when creating shipping labels (ux)
GLS Finland: Sender and Exporter addresses with eori numbers included (feature)
Version 3.10.7 (9.4.2024)
*NEW* DHL Express API v2 replacing previous version
Orders list on home page filters out orders that doesn't require shipping, doesn't contain shipping_address or shipping_lines data (such as in-store pickup orders or digital sales)
If order is partially fulfilled outside Packrooster the shipments gets properly created
Shipit: Allowing shipments to AX from FI as domestic shipments. Previously AX needed to be converted to FI
UPS: Re-authentication forced if refresh token expired
UPS: Pickup point amount setting works now as intended
UPS: New feature: insurance service
UPS: Incoterms can be selected per shipping zone
Shipping product services can have additional settings
Updated Packrooster logo & branding
PostNord: New feature: Pickup booking
Redirecting to Shopify billing approval from onboarding and plans pages with app bridge methods instead of direct fullpage redirect to accommodate shopify CSP restrictions
Deutsche Post: VOEC number is now required for shipments to Norway
DHL: VOEC number is now required for shipments to Norway
Minor UX improvements
Matkahuolto: Using sender ID as receiver ID for return shipments
UPS: Using Standard service as default for access points
Using edit icon for location settings instead of map marker icon
Return label is automatically printed after order search if return label printing is enabled
Support for Shopify Customers API
Customers data is used to show customer's order history on order processing page of Packrooster Shipping
Version 3.9.0 (23.1.2024)
UPS integration
nShift: Fetch My Stuff carrier added
Posti: Customer return label is forced to A5 size
Line-item properties can be used as a visibility filter for shipping
Newly created orders can be tagged with custom tags set in shipping method settings
Matkahuolto: Outdoor location filtering fixed for U-parameter
PostNord: Commercial invoice included when needed
Shipping label for Store pickups translated to english
PostNord: Outdoor pickup location redirections prevented in Finland only
Posti SmartShip + nShift: Shipping costs fixed on customs documents
GLS Finland: Declaring also the shipping price
Matkahuolto: Pikapaketti deprecated and removed
PostNord: New H9 Heavy additional service included into heavy Swedish shipments automatically
DHL Express: Freight cost included to commercial invoice
DHL Express: Better error message for missing package dimensions
Using presentment currency on customs documents
PostNord: Better detection for when to use CN22/CN23 and commercial invoices
Version 3.8.0 (29.11.2023)
Bring integration
nShift: HRX integration
Added support for Swedish language in Packrooster
Additional shipping services cannot be altered after shipment is processed
Posti: Letter template now contains province information
Posti: Same day pickup booking time validation fix
PostNord: "commercial sampe" replaced with "sales" in customs declaration
PostNord: hs codes added into CN22 document
eSchenker: Renamed preNotice service to preAdviseToConsignee
nShift: HRX integration
nShift UPS: Using "S" as terms code for orders within EU
Shipit: Carrier name included into pickuplocation names if missing
Line-item object has helper functions for calculating unit prices, discounts and tax values
Customs declaration items values rewritten to use new unit price and tax amount methods in line-item entity
Version 3.7.0 (31.10.2023)
Better handling of Shopify API errors
Printing customs declarations on multi order processing page if settings enabled
Posti Smartship: VOEC and Eori numbers included on customs invoice
Posti: Pickup booking fixed for sameday pickups
Posti: Translation bug in Infokoodi fixed
Better notification alert on shipping methods page if installing carrier service failed
Budbee: New URL for sandbox environment
PostNord: Outdoor parcel lockers can be filtered out before returning pickup points to checkout
PostNord: Additional location info added into pickup point description
PostNord: Customs declaration is separated from shipping label document
PostNord: Tracking URL updated to country specific URL
Postnord: Rewritten PostNord integration
Version 3.6.0 (27.9.2023)
Posti Smartship: Pickup booking option
Posti Smartship: Better error messages
Posti: A5 label forced for Pickup Parcel labels
Posti: Max weights for express business day pallet shipping method
Posti: Postilokero and smartpost postalcodes only in Finland
Posti: Minimum weights included for several shipping methods
Posti: Using Itella as shipping tracking service for baltic countries
Posti: Parcel Connect shipping service can be used from baltic countries to Finland
Posti: New additional services for rahti shipping service
Posti: Nextshipping API included
Posti: outdoor pickup points can be filtered out again.
Posti: using bigger label size for EMS shipments
Kaukokiito: Multiparcelshipments
Kaukokiito: "EDI" text visible on label again
Kaukokiito: Package dimensions can be used
Matkahuolto: Bussipaketti shipping method removed
Matkahuolto: COD service removed
Matkahuolto: Outdoor pickup points can be filtered out again. Using AU parameter instead of old U
DHL Express: Economy Select shipping method fixed
DHL Express: Using import account number as account number when creating return labels
DHL Express: ExportReasonType Permanent changed to "commercial purpose or sale"
DHL Express: Need for customs invoice is detected based on selected shipping service not by countries
DHL Express: Customer number for return shipments.
UPS: UPS Integration ready for piloting
PostNord: Support for swedish shipping methods
Postnord: Support for multiparcel shipments
PostNord: Shipments to Norway working with customs declarations
PostNord: Issuer code can be set from carrier settings page. This allows using accounts from other countries than Finland
PostNord: using company as consignor name. Requested by PostNord
Shipit: Sending order name as reference
Shipit: Company name included in receiver address fields
Shipit: Return service settings relocated from carrier settings into additional shipping method service
Omniva: Omniva API included
Omniva: Matkahuolto pickup points for CD shipping service when shipping to Finland
nShift: DHL Freight - Finland added
nShift: Tracking url for DHL Parcel Connect Germany and UPS
nShift: DHL Parcel Connect Germany ready
nShift: Better error messages
nShift: DHL Parcel Connect Germany carrier included
DB Schenker: System and Parcel return services
DB Schenker: Pickup time set to 12-16.00
DB Schenker: Additional service Stackable added
DB Schenker: incotermLocation included into api message, volume is converted from cm3 to m3
DB Schenker: package dimensions can be used
DB Schenker: eSchenker API included
GLS: Sending donotstack parameter when 10013 shipping service is being used
Possibility to create (and print) shipping labels without automatically fulfilling shipment
New filter for shipping methods: Item quantity
Supporting splitted fulfilments from Shopify.
Keeping logs for longer period of time
Creating return labels for orders fulfilled outside Packrooster
Improved logging
Cleaning old orders twice a day instead of every two hours
Some translation fixes
Eori number as part of shipping location settings
Printing labels at multi process page has extended timeout (10minutes)
Operator order report card added on home page
Button for packing all shipping items in a shipment at once
Removed deprecated pickuplocation features
Renamed Schenker integration to mySchenker
Smaller bugfixes and ux improvements
Privacy policy info text relocated from getting started banner to onboarding page. User needs to accept the privacy policy terms to start using the app.
Version 3.2.0 (8.3.2023)
- Shipping return services can be set per shipping method. Previously this was a global setting. (feature)
- Shipping return service can be changed for shipments (feature)
- Disabling old return service settings form if no return services selected (ux)
- DHL Express: Return service (feature)
- GLS Finland: Return service (feature)
- PostNord: Return service (feature)
- PostNord: Email notifications can be enabled from shipping service settings page (feature)
- DB Schenker: Multiparcel support (feature)
- Matkahuolto: Optional large addon service for Kotijakelu (feature)
- Posti: New return services (feature)
- Posti: Smartpost prefix for pickup point names in Estonia (feature)
- Pakettikauppa: Return services (feature)
- Operator is set for order when order gets automatically fully packed (bugfix)
- Order not packed automatically if only automatic printing is enabled. Automatic fulfilling needs to be enabled too (bugfix)
- Better error messages if operator not selected when needed (ux)
- Shipping method free limit price could not be set to zero (bugfix)
- Support for scheduled fulfillments (ux)
- Development shops can use app for free (feature)
- Shipping address can be changed from within application (feature)
- Maximum shipping weight is controlled by shipping service, not provider (bugfix)
- DHL Express: Discounts are removed from unit prices (bugfix)
- GLS: Always sending unique UUID to make sure we receive fresh tracking number and shipping label (bugfix)
- Posti: Not forcing additional Notification service for all shipping methods (bugfix)
- Postnord: Two new printing sizes (feature)
- Pakettikauppa integration: Not published yet (feature)
- Order badges included on open orders list (feature, ux)
- Plans: Dynamic plan pricing based on selected Shopify plan (feature)
- Plans: Available plans Standard with dynamic pricing and Enterprise (feature)
- Plans: Dynamic standard plan can use any of the shipping carriers (internal)
- nShift: Published to all merchants (feature)
- When Shopify plan changes, the user is redirected to Shopify billing page for price change approval (feature)
- Partner Friendly App. Free mode for Shopify staff and development stores (feature)
- Stored shop specific actions that can be dispatched and executed like queue jobs but we have better control when to execute and when to cleanup (internal, feature)
- Scheduled job that refreshes shop data daily from Shopify (internal, feature)
- Using shop origin address as sender address when checking shipping method availability at Shopify checkout (feature, bugfix)
- Shipit - Matkahuolto: Default dimensions for XSS service (ux)
- Shipit - Postnord: Updated lists of limited EU countries for several services (internal, bugfix)
- Process lineitems that differ by properties they contain (bugfix)
- Order processing started field had wrong timezone (bugfix)
- DHL Express: VAT ID added into commercial invoice (feature)
- nShift: DHL and Bring carriers included (feature)
- Shipit: Setting default pickupable shipping services for several carriers (bugfix)
- Shipit: Using PALLET package type when needed (bugfix)
- Posti, nShift: New label sizes (feature)
- Longer timeout period (5min) for multiorder processing page (internal)
- Better logs and log entries (internal, ux)
- DHL Express: Not printing customs documents if paperless trade was available (ux)
- Shipping lines phone is primarily used as customer phone number (bugfix)
- Pickup point shipping methods can have custom description which displays in the Shopify checkout (feature)
- Posti: Order name used as sender reference (internal)
- Enterprise plan: Processed orders report can show processed orders between two dates (feature)
- Enterprise plan: Operator is required for fulfillments if operators are available and can be used (feature)
- Support for onhold fulfillments (feature)
- Onboarding page for new installs (feature)
- Translations for FI and EN (feature)
- React + Laravel 8, total rewrite (major version update 3.0)
- Upgraded to Shopify app bridge 3
- nShift: UPS and Fedex (feature)
- nShift pickup locations (feature)
- Kaukokiito: Product weight can be set before fulfillling shipment. Order will be sent in single container - no multiparcel support for now (bugfix)
Version 2.4.2. (19.5.2022)
- Better shop detection in Gdpr hooks (bugfix)
- GDPR hook for deleting shop fixed (bugfix)
- nShift: Tracking codes for MH, Posti, PostNord, Schenker (feature)
- Shipit: Shipping methods to baltic countries enabled (bugfix)
- Shipit: Renamed shipping method mh95 to "Ulkomaan lähellä paketti" (bugfix)
- Shipit: Address2 field is combined to Address1 field if Matkahuolto shipping method to Finland is being used (bugfix)
- Checking if selected shipping product supports pickuplocations before using them (bugfix)
- Posti: Printing sender labels for letter shipments (feature)
- Posti: Allowed using letter shipping methods even if Posti api is not enabled (bugfix)
- Posti: 57x32mm label for letter labels (feature)
- Posti: Filtering out parcel lockers fixed (bugfix)
- This allows using pickuplocations outside Finland and as such the Priority Parcel method can be used
- Posti & Matkahuolto: Outdoor pickuplocations can be filtered out (feature)
- Fiuge: New api version and shipping methods (feature)
- Schenker: Sending email parameter to pickuplocation shipping api (bugfix)
- Matkahuolto: Sender and receiver address flipped for return label (bugfix)
- Budbee: Separate postalcode validations for each shipping method (bugfix)
- Better error message when variant couldn't be packed into shipment (ux)
- Hiding old pickuplocation settings at provider settings page if pickuplocations are not set with old method (ux)
- Using shipping weight stored in properties when checking if shipping methods can be used for the shipping (bugfix)
- Using variant weight as grams when calculating total weight (bugfix)
- MetafieldsFetch job fixed (bugfix)
- Using iframe ancestors header to prevent using app in unknown iframes (security)
- Showing all shipping locations when processing multiple orders at once (ux)
- Removing empty spaces from postalcodes when searching for pickuplocations from local database (bugfix)
- Internal note for shipping methods (feature)
- Better UI for activating shippings methods form the list view (ux/ui)
- Kaukokiito integration (feature)
- UPS integration (development)
- Shipping zones referenced in shipping methods with shopify IDs instead of local IDs to prevent problems if zones get deleted temporarily (bugfix)
- GLS: New logo (ui)
- Frontend lineitem validation recognizes if same variant is in multiple lineitems (bugfix)
- Deprecated refresh method removed from login screen (bugfix)
- Street address used as search criteria for changing the pickup point (feature)
- Creating empty address object for Shipping if no shipping or billing address were found. This could happen for draft orders (bugfix)
Version 2.3.5 (1.3.2022)
- Full support for App Bridge version 2. Deprecated EASDK redirect call converted to app bridge method (bugfix, internal)
- Better error message when variant couldn't be packed into shipment (ux)
- Hiding old pickuplocation settings on provider settings page if pickuplocations are not set with old method (ux)
- GDPR hook for deleting shop fixed (bugfix)
- Checking if selected shipping method supports pickuplocations before using them (bugfix)
- nShift: Tracking codes for MH, Posti, PostNord, Schenker
- Posti: Printing sender labels for letter shipments (feature)
- Posti: Allowed using letter shipping methods even if Posti api is not enabled (bugfix)
- Shipit: Shipping methods to baltic countries enabled (bugfix)
- Shipit: Renamed shipping method mh95 to "Ulkomaan lähellä paketti" (bugfix)
- Shipit: Address2 field is combined to address1 field if Matkahuolto shipping method to Finland is being used (bugfix)
Version 2.3.3 (31.1.2022)
- DHL Express, Deutsche Post and GLS: Not truncating address field values for api anymore. Checking field lengths and showing message to user (UX)
- Better fix for unsafe characters in pickuplocation names (bugfix)
- Shipping providers not in demo mode by default
- DHL Express: Mexican state codes removed if longer than two characters (bugfix)
- DHL Express: Country code for Kosovo changed XK -> KV (bugfix)
- DHL Express: Support for multiline addresses (bugfix)
- nShift shipping provider available with global plan for selected shops (feature)
- Posti: Shipping methods harcoded if they can not be fetched from nShift (bugfix)
- Posti: Multiple label sizes to choose from for letters (feature)
- Posti: Port paye labels for economy and priority letters (feature)
- Disabling fulfill button after form submit to prevent duplicate submits (UX)
- Orders can be searched without hash character (feature)
- GLS: not sending zero price products (bugfix)
- Multi location support with Fulfillment Orders (feature)
- Handling shipments instead of order (ux)
- Fiuge: New version in progress (dev)
- Custom plan generator allows changing the price, and trial period (feature)
- Pickup locations can be selected to be fetched from local database instead of from carriers (feature)
- Better labels for shipping method filters (ux)
- Shipit: Custom docs (feature)
- Location can be set active and fulfillings are available for active location only
- Matkahuolto: Ulkomaan Lähellä -paketti shipping method (feature)
- Speed optimizations for barcode lineitem handling (optimization)
Version 2.0.0 (17.9.2021)
- New way to create shipping methods
- Pickuplocation shipping methods can be created here too
- Multiple profiles for pickuplocation methods possible
- Visibility filters at Shopify checkout can be set for pickuplocation methods too
- Weight rate prices can be set dynamically by merchant. No need to use preset weight levels anymore
- Pickuplocations, their settings and regions at provider settings page are deprecated and will get removed at some point
- Shipit: UPS Standard available all over European continent
- Matkahuolto: XXS-luukkujakelu ready for piloting
- DHL Express: Fixes for Ireland (IE)
- Posti: Ability to search for parcel-locker, postal-office or both types of pickup locations
- Matkahuolto: Converting lightweight Lähellä paketti shipments to XXS shipments removed. XXS-pickuppoint shipping methods can be created with the new shipping method creation tool.
- Store: Store country is set based on shop address settings
- Business ID field added into app settings
- Postnord Groupage shipping method added
- App customization hooks and templates relocated
- Method for updating order shippingcode rewritten for better reliability
- App settings class utilizes better data storage which allows faster data access
- Shop model and scope classes has private caches for faster shop data handling
- Keeping track of how much traffic is coming from Shopify Checkout API
- Serving pickup locations from internal database when experiencing high traffic (1400 requests per minute)
- Console job for synchronizing pickuplocations from every provider (except TMS providers for now), executed twice a day
- Shipping provider templates relocated for better readability
- Packrooster shipping carrier re-installation moved from homepage to shipping methods list page
- If re-installation fails an error message is shown for merchant
- Better messages when order has shipping method that is not allowed to be used for its contents (a new shipping method is asked to be set)
- Pickuplocation no longer knows which shipping product is using it. Therefore pickup locations search no more has the ability to change the actual shipping method of an order.
- Pickup location types: parcel-locker and postal-office introduced.
- Each pickupable shipping method knows the location types it can be used with.
- TMS shipping providers extends TMS class for better TMS specific handling
- TMS carriers have TMS Carrier base class to extend
- Better data storage for configurations, settings and properties
- Changing shipping methods and pickuplocations for existing order optimized for speed
- Improved internal cache
- DHL Express: Fixes for Canary Island, Puerto Rico and Northern Irland
- Shipping zone detection can be done with province codes too
Version 1.25.0 (8.6.2021)
- Multi currency support, currency is taken from shop and order data (feature)
- Matkahuolto Bussiennakko has same additional shipping fields as Posti Postiennakko (bugfix)
- Order total can be used as shipping method filter (feature)
- Posti: Baltic pickup locations enabled (feature)
- Budbee, Postnord and Posti names are added into pickuplocation name if they are missing (feature)
- Various data optimizations (internal, optimization)
- Sender country is set with select box instead of input field (ux/ui)
- Prefill shop address on settings form from shopify if not set yet (ux)
- Remembering auto-fulfill-print setting on order processing form (ux, feature)
- Possibility to print customs declaration at the same time with shipping label (ux, feature)
- Possibility to toggle order tagging with shipping provider and method name on/off (ux, feature)
- Pickup location settings are stored into Pickup location region instead of shipping provider itself. This allows different settings for each Region (feature)
- Automatic product updater updates also the inventory items for variants (feature)
- Matkahuolto not limited to search pickuplocations from Finland only (feature)
- Posti customs declaration contains the freight charges (bugfix)
- Store locations admin form improved (ux)
- Shipit: List of limited EU countries included. Some shipping methods can be used on for only these countries (bugfix, internal)
- Deutche Post uses the full name of province instead of abbreviation (bugfix)
- Budbee: 4 regions (FI, SE, NO, DK) to use pickup locations on (feature)
- Matkahuolto: 6 regions (FI, AX, EE-LV-LT, SE-DK-DE, NL-BE-AT-LU, FR-ES) to use pickup locations on (feature)
- Posti: 3 regions (FI, AX, baltic) to use pickup locations on (feature)
- Postnord: 4 regions (FI, SE, NO, DK) to use pickup locations on (feature)
- Schenker: 2 regions (FI, AX) to use pickup locations on (feature)
- Memory optimizations (internal, optimization)
- Shipping method filters supporting countries belonging to multiple shipping zones (bugfix)
- Shipit can be used from other countries than Finland too (feature)
- Changing label size of Posti Parcel Connect and Priority Parcel automatically to A5 before generating PDF (internal, ux)
- Pickuplocation Regions for Shipit: Postnord (FI, SE, NO, DK) (feature)
Version 1.23.2 (14.4.2021)
- NEW: Postnord integration for Global plan (feature)
- NEW: Budbee integration for Global plan (feature)
- NEW: Posti - Postiennakko service added: asks for COD amount before creating address label (feature)
- NEW: Full support of additional shipping services for Posti and Matkahuolto (feature)
- NEW: Matkahuolto Pikapaketti shipping method added (feature)
- Possiblity to clone custom shipping methods (feature, UX)
- Additional shipping services can be included into custom shipping methods (feature)
- New filters for custom shipping methods: "Order must contain selected product tags and/or types" (feature)
- Deutsche Post: Fixed 429-error at order finalization (bugfix)
- Free products removed from DHL Express customs declaration (bugfix)
- Fixed support for multiple additional services in Matkahuolto API library (internal, bugfix)
- DHL Express incoterms can be selected per shipping zone (feature)
- Minor fixes to Shipit integration (bugfix)
Version 1.21.0 (18.3.2021)
- Shipping entity can contain PDFs for labels and Customs Declarations
- Buttons for printing/saving customs declarations
- Return labels for Shipit
- Package dimensions can be edited before fulfilling shipment. This is available if shipping providers supports using package dimensions (feature)
- Multi processing orders with Shipit shipping methods not creating PDFs before fulfilling the shipments
- Shipping method "None" can be used for creating new shipping methods (feature)
- Package weight of customs data for Posti set to kilograms
- Deutche Post API timeout limit removed as sometimes API gets too slow
- Fixes to Shipit shipping provider
- Posti Kirje added as a shipping method
- Customer number can be set for Schenker Parcel shipping methods
- Printable/downloadable Customs declaration for DHL Express
- Fiuge logo fixed
- Each shipping provider has their own package description field. If empty, global value from app settings page will be used.
- Deprecated shipping methods removed from Matkahuolto
Version 1.20.0 (25.2.2021)
- Variants can have multiple barcodes separated by commas or semicolons
- Unifaun integration ready, adding features by merchant requests
- PostNord integration work in progress
- VAT number added for Smartship integration for customs declarations
- Fixed pricing for overweight shipping rates
- Open shipping tracking for DP AWB labels from DP order finalization page
Version 1.19.0 (15.2.2021)
- Posti Pikakirje and Postivakuutettu shipping methods added
- Posti fragile addon added
- Matkahuolto fragile addon added
- Possibility to toggle parcel lockers on/off for Matkahuolto and Posti
- Global Mail moved from DHL to Deutsche Post
- Customs value calculation fixed for DHL
- Minor fixes to Deutsche Post
- Minimum weight requirement removed from pickuplocations. Using min weight if shipping weight is missing.
- Fiuge integration added
- Fiuge pickupdate can be set as daily time or interval
- On order page the edit customer button changed to open the edit order page
- Printing automatically already fulfilled orders twice can be toggled off at settings page
- Shipping return labels can be created with Posti or Matkahuolto
- Posti - Parcel Connect shipping method checks if it can be used for target country
- Posti - Parcel Return Connect can be used for creating return labels for orders sent to specific countries
- Deutsche Post items weight fixed
Version 1.18.0 (29.1.2021)
- GLS integration added
- Shipit integration added
- Shipping methods can be priced based on weight levels (feature)
- Menu rebuilt
- Timeout increased for Deutche Post integration from 10 to 40 seconds
Version 1.16.0 (17.12.2020)
- Added a smaller PDF label for Matkahuolto, to be used with label printers
- Fixed URL's for changing hs codes and country of origin
- Thousands separator removed from price fields in DHL and Deutsche Post
- Pickup locations for Matkahuolto, Posti and Schenker set to be available in Finland only
- Customs declarations for Posti
- Unifaun integration preparedness
- Pickup locations for Matkahuolto Bussipaketti fixed. Limited to locations owned by Matkahuolto.
- Added shipping provider "None" for non-shippable lineitems (feature)
- Shipping can be fulfilled even if no PDF is available. This is for shipping provider "None"
- Detecting if browser can set cookies. This is for future development to detect Safari related problem for saving third party cookies (internal)
Version 1.10.0 (28.10.2020)
- Shopify API version 2020-10 enabled
- Order created date translated to finnish format
- Unprocessed lineitems printed with separated view that can be updated with ajax
- Changing shipping method and pickup point updates unprocessed lineitems view with ajax
- Errors in creating shipping return label are returned onscreen
- Order tags are sent with dispatch job
- Variant metafield support
- Better error reporting if printing or fulfilling shippings fail
- New styles to imitate new Shopify colors and elements
- Shippings and shipping items are created when processing lineitems. Processed lineitem always belongs to a shipment.
- Support for sending dangerous/special handling items with Matkahuolto
- User interface ajaxified almost completely
- Added more API scopes for fulfillment resources. API version 2020-01 needs these.
- Deutsche Post shipping provider added (feature)
- Schenker:Parcel shipping method added (feature)
- Not focusing product search field after clicking process product button if using manual processing. This makes it easier to process products as the screen will not scroll bck to top after click (UX, bugfix)
- Contact Person name can be added for shop address. This is sent to logistics providers where applicable (feature)
- Multiple line items can be processed with single click/barcode reading. Can be set at settings page (feature)
- Only newly created shipping label is printed if order was partially fulfilled before
- Sender contact number added for Matkahuolto API
- Sender Person name added for Smartpost API
- Sender Person name added for DHL Express API
- Setting visible quantity of pickup locations at checkout page fixed
- Reading shipping code from shopify shipping lines if its not stored locally
Version 1.7.6 (15.6.2020)
- DHL Express can be used with Global Plan
- read_all_ordes scope in use, to process orders older than 60 days
- More allowed postal codes matkahuolto K06 special service, still piloting
- Location ID for fulfillment is taken from order entity instead of using shop primary location
- Max weight limit for Schenker
- Printing multiple PDFs simultaneously fixed
- Merging PDFs before printing them
- Shipping item can be removed from shipment also when shipment not fulfilled yet
- Changing Schenker pickup point from admin view fixed. Previously it could be changed only within original city
- Finnish countrycode removed from phonenumber before sending data to Schenker API
- Allowing customers to use Schenker for overweighted orders
Version 1.7.2 (20.5.2020)
- DHL Settings and funtionalities separated under its own dropdown menu item on main menu (feature)
- Submenu capabilities on main menu (internal)
- After saving shipping provider settings the last active tab is opened (bugfix)
- Minor fixes for assigning new hs code descriptions (bugfix)
- Minor fixes to shipping service providers
- Using print-js to print pdfs. Previously there were problems with cross origin printing in local env (bugfix)
- Inventory item descriptions for customs declarations. Used for DHL (feature)
- Descriptions are stored per hscode and if new hscode is detected the description is asked from the user
- Matkahuolto: Weight is not divided by parcel count anymore as it should be given as total (bugfix)
- DHL Express ready for testing (feature)
- DHL GlobalMail (feature)
- Shipping weight can be modified before fulfilling shipment (feature)
- Address2 field is used with every logistic integration (bugfix)
- Matkahuolto K06: door code is taken from address2 field (feature). Lots of new postalcode where this special service is available. This feature is still in pilot.
- Shopify API using rate limiting when sending data to Shopify (internal)
- Barcode library to produces barcodes on store and dhl globalmail labels (feature)
Version 1.6.1 (20.3.2020)
- Matkahuolto XXS paketti can be used if shipping method is pickup point and the order weight is under the added weight requirement (feature)
- Matkahuolto Jakopaketti Special Handling piloting (feature)
- Shipping weight is calculated from items in shipment not in order (feature, bugfix)
- Open orders count on header fixed (bugfix)
- Return Shipment label (with Posti) can be created only for orders being delivered to Finland (bugfix)
- Updated App platform (internal, performance)
- CSS fixes (ux/ui)
- Getting Started page renamed Guide (ux/ui)
- DB Schenker and Store pickup locations can be set to be first at Shopify checkout
- Shopify API call limiter detects if API calls are about to be consumed and initializes a small timeout before making new api calls (internal, feature)
- Processing multiple orders at once form checks from app settings if orders should get fulfilled too (bugfix)
- Shopify Order Checkout Entity support (internal)
Version 1.5.0 (17.1.2020)
- Customer can be allowed to use pickup locations for overweight orders (matkahuolto and posti) (feature)
- Overweighted orders needs to be splitted into multiple parcels (feature)
- Schecker has checkbox to toggle it on/off (bugfix)
- ShopifyAPI.verifyRequest() fixed to support the same type of value encoding Shopify uses (bugfix)
- Search order form field activated after printing the order label manually (bugfix)
- Stores can be used as pickup locations (feature)
- Open orders list shows the quantity of products within order (feature)
- Deleting shipping entity from order saves unfulfilled fulfillment data into local api_data. Older orders (+2 months) can not be updated via Shopify API (bugfix)
- Checking if shipping provider logo exists (bugfix)
- Operators to process orders. Available for full plan (feature)
- Lineitem is re-rendered also when when processing fails (bugfix)
- Shippings doesn't have to be always fulfilled. Unfulfilled shippings can be fulfilled separately (feature)
- Frontend validation for lineitems fixed. All lineitems are included, not just the ones that have search term set (bugfix)
- Processing multiple ordes simultaneously from orders more actions (feature)
- Creating log entry for failed Shopify API calls (feature, internal)
- Shipment ID added on to store PDF to make it easier to find the items and shipments later (feature)
Version 1.4.0 (18.12.2019)
- DB Schenker integration released
- Shipping labels for customer returns can be created with Posti
- Return label created only when necessary, not on every fulfill if previous return label exists
- Local order data makes it possible to view and update orders older than Shopify's 60-day limitation
- Fetching Order data not failing anymore if Shopify order can not be fetched but local data exists. This happened when requesting orders older than 2 months.
- Open and processed orders today statistics visible in application header bar for full plans
- Show information if no open orders are waiting to be processed
- Matkahuolto parcel tracking URL updated to the new specification
- Alert message is shown if selected shipping provider is in demo mode
- Unprocessed orders list is now faster (using only local entities)
- Order search form uses local order data only
- Image for local variant stored and fetched from Shopify
- Checking if shipping providers return pickup locations when needed. If no data is returned due to network timeouts or other failures a message is shown to app user
- In full plan the variant ID can be used as a search criteria when using the line-item processing mode
- In full plan the variant ID set as a default search criteria on app install
- Frontend line-item search form validation for line-item processing mode
- Hiding show open orders button at home page if no orders were found
- Show line-items after deleting shipment that doesn't have shipping items in it
- Order Refunds support added - refunded line items removed from the order data
- Unfulfilled orders fetched from Shopify if no local orders exists
- Better support for orders fulfilled elsewhere
- Shipping provider entities know if they support multiparcel sending
- Order refresh button fetches always data from Shopify
- Setting closest pickup point for orders that use a shipping provider that offers pickup points, but don't have a pickup point selected by customer
- DHL integration in progress
Version 1.3.5 (25.10.2019)
- Webhook auth validator compliant with Shopify GDPR tests
- Better logging for webhooks
- App published to Shopify App Store
Version 1.3.3 (10.10.2019)
- Fixed saving non existing Variant entity (bugfix)
- support email address added onto support page (feature)
- Order weight is calculated from lineitems instead of using order:total_weight which was left empty in some cases (internal, bugfix)
- Order weight calculation fixed at checkout pages. Quantity was not included. (bugfix)
Version 1.3.1 (7.10.2019)
- Variant is fetched from Shopify if local entity is missing
- Cross domain access for shipments API added
- App version number visible again at Support page
- Privacy policy link in dropdown menu
- Minor UI fixes at Billing Settings page
- Code cleanup
Version 1.3.0 (3.10.2019)
- Improved search results for Matkahuolto pickup locations
- GDPR compliance
- Getting Started page is shown after app install
- Orders list on frontpage shows Shopify Order entities instead of local entities to make the list build up faster
- Settings menu converted to dropdown
- Support and getting started pages added
- Private locker type pickup locations returned if postalcode ends with '4'
- Change pickup location form allows admin to set the amount of results he wishes to fetch from shipping providers (feature)
- Better notification messages for failed fulfillments
- Posti PDF printing sizes can be selected from dropdown list
- Preparing App for pickuppoints outside of Finland
- Posti Parcel Connect shipping product added
- Minor bugfixes
- Internal performance fixes
Version 1.2.2 (12.9.2019)
- Performance optimization for speed
- Better UI for Matkahuolto Bussibaketti settings
- Performance boost for fulfilling shipments
- Order entity not loaded from Shopify after fulfillment but fulfill data is injected into local Shopify data as it would be when fetched from Shopify
- Shipping entity is removed after last shipping item is removed from it
- Minor fixes (CSS, UI)
- Minor internal optimization and fixes
Version 1.2.1 (5.9.2019)
- Responsive fixes to be able to use the app on vertical displays
- Flash messages should not be repeating anymore
- Added "Bussiennakko" shipping method for Matkahuolto
- All setting values are fetched with get function instead of magic get which produced a lot of database queries
- Lineitem caches shipping item data temporarily for preventing database queries
- Unnecessary database queries removed
- Shipment PDF (if separated in multiple shipments) contains the weight of the shipment, not the weight of the whole order
- Shipping items are created and refreshed automatically at order page if order is fulfilled somewhere else (at Shopify or other fulfillment app)
- Shipping products can be set to non-public. In this case shipping products can not be mapped to shopify shipping methods, but they can be explicitly set onto order
- Responsive styles fixed
- Automatic printing prints only the shipments that are not printed yet
- Minor fixes
- Internal optimizations